May 26, 2008

A cup of tea and some stories

Sun is shining in Kunming. Last weeks rain were only a warning what is coming soon. I smile, look at the world around me, eat some chocolate ice cream, say again goodbyes to my friends and prepare myself to journey to the south..

With Andre we organized yesterday a storytelling evening in Cloucland's bar. Great moments in world of stories. Some folktales and improvised stories around a tea pot.
If you ever meet a man on a street with his camera and a shiny tea pot and if he is offering you some tea, don't hesitate! That man and his tea pot are full of magic!

May 22, 2008

Full moon in Dali

Three months on the road to Uluru.
Days are passing slowly and my way continues towards south.

All these crisis in Asia. A typhoon in Myanmar, situations in Tibet, train accidents and earthquake in Sichuan. In middle of these I realised it in some moments how small, helpless and mortal I am.
I left Chengdu just one week before the black monday. And in Yunnan I only saw lights on roof shaking little bit and some mountain roads were blogged by landslides. All my friends in Chengdu are allright, but thousands of others are not. So weird is this life of human beings.

I got my visa extented. So I'll go aroud Yunnan for awhile before I'll enter Laos. About monsoon I don't understand a thing yet, but last week it has been raining everyday and allmost all the time. Slowly it came to my mind that I might travel next months throught the rain and I bought a raincoat for me. Rainy season here I come!
I'm ready!??

May 13, 2008

A candle

Earth is shaking in China. In Luguhu everything is allright.

I light a candle for victims of Sichuan's earhquake..

May 10, 2008

Rainy morning in Luguhu

Clouds are flouting around the lake and mountains.
Silence, me, cup of tea and puppy.

After all crowds and Chinese new build plastic old towns I took bus towards from Lijiang to Sichuan and Yunnan border. Towards Luguhu, mountain lake in altitude 2690 meters. Chinese tourist bus drop me off in road next to the stone where was written Lige. Down there will be village where I'm heading. I sat long time on stone and looked at the beautiful blue lake in middle of the mountains.
Luguhu is home of Mosu people and many other small tribes. Lasts matriarcal societys in world. But in China everything is for sale. In many places minority people live like in zoo for tourists to come, pay and watch them. Here everything is anyway small, peacuful, beautifull and quite real.
I wait for the sun come out of the clouds. Then I will again hike in small paths, climbe on hills and jump to swim in clear and cold Luguhu's water..

May 3, 2008

1. May

I'm hiding Chinese holiday week in Chengdu and I start to be frustrated to this city. Anyway I eat my daily mangos, the queens of the fruits and feel happy becouse of little miracle who borned this last Tuesday. I'm now uncle of two pretty girls!

A first story letter has been sended from China. The letter includes my travel diary from Helsinki to Uluru, photos and story called Crocodile and maiden in north.
The second letter will be out soon also in English. It will include moments from Irkutsk to Chengdu, an old legend from Baikal, a true story from Finland and drawings by Marnix van Dixhoorn It's possible to order old letters too! If you wish so please just send a message to me.

Now it's time to continue my jouney towards Uluru. In few days I'll take a train to south and to Yunnan province. Days in my China visa start to run out, but I hope to get one month more and go around in Yunnans minority villages, mountains and jungle paths for some time. Let see..